With Heavy Rotation, Roger Hanschel is pursuing a long-term project. Among other things, it is about enlarging the area that his music’s tributaries feed into. The larger of these tributaries are as follows: firstly, contemporary jazz with its tonal, expressive and compositional riches, as it has developed in the circle of the Kölner Saxophone Mafia or in the duo Hasler Hanschel; secondly, the concentration on the sound and phrasing that Hanschel has cultivated in his solo projects and with the trio Triosphere; and thirdly, contemporary chamber music, whose horizons he has gauged with the contemporary quartet Ensemble Modern in Frankfurt.
- Liquid Missiles
- Vin (Part I)
- Extrembiose
- Vin (Part II)
- Warming Up
- Eigenheiten I
- Waiting
- Vin (Part III)